1" Maximia Clams from FFE


New member
Baby Maxima Clam Purple, And Gold Colors
1" - $19 Or 2 For $35 - Up to $28 Off
Order Code: WS4709

I have not had clams before but am thinking about making my first selection from FFE. Is there a reason to stay away from these as my first jump into clams?


well the price IMO is right , however Iv'e heard mixed reviews about FFE.Maybe do a search on them in the boards.
Personally I would try to get one from a local store so you can see the clam in person before you purchase. And make sure your tank satisfies all the requirements for a T.Maxima (lighting ,calcium,tank maturity and stability)

once again - buy it in person if you can , when a clam dies it can seriously FOUL (take my word for it) a tank so you want to make sure it's healthy
If you are new to clams I would shy away from any that are 1". They will be totally dependent on feedings of suspended foods in you water since they are not big enough to survive off endosymbiosis. Needless to say, this makes them a tad more difficult to keep. I would look for one in the 3 to 4 inch range for your first clam.
