10 gal


New member
i am new to clams and would like to do a 10 gal for them
i have not done anything yet researching now
and i need alot of help
with what i need and how to keep them
everything except the tank and the heater i need
someone please help
anything would be helpful
You are setting yourself up for a lot of research. Lighting, filtration, tankmates, etc.

I'll see if I can start you off right.

Step (1) Knopp's book on giant clams (it's a MUST have)

Step (2) Age your tank. Clams, as a general rule, don't like new tanks. You'll need a *minimum* of 3 months of your tank being setup before you can think about a clam.

Step (3) Lighting: Going to depend on what *kind* of clam you want. Most here will say go with Metal Halide (MH) lights only, I've done clams successfully under Power Compacts (PC), either way, you'll need lots of lights.

Step (4) Tankmates: Clams don't take well to being picked on, stick with quiet tankmates (bi-colour blenny is a good start)

Step (5) Choosing a clam. Baby (1" or less) clams are harder to keep. Start with a 2.5" Squamosa clam. Hardy and not too demanding.

Step (6) Stability. Clams *definately* don't like fluctuations in water quality. Stable is the key.

Step (6) Filtration. Although clams do need some Nitrates to feed from, you'll want a big honkin' protein skimmer and quite possibly a calcium reactor. Lots of live rock to handle the other filtration.

Hope this help, keep reading and asking questions, we're here to help.