10g flow and lighting for lps


Premium Member
I am setting up a 10 gallon which i want to keep a long tentacle plate coral, and a bubble coral and a few other LPS and mushrooms. I set up a closed loop ran thru a SCWD on a mag3. Im guessing that the flow is around 125-175 gph and the SCWD switches directions about every 8 to 9 seconds. I know most LPS require medium to low flow. Will this be plenty for the plate and bubble coral? Also while im at it, i need lighting opinions, I was thinking that i might get the 2x40w orbit fixture. its on sale for 98.00 at drsfostersmith opinions greatly apreciated, thanks!


maybe these will help :)
That flow sounds about right.

I'm useing a 96w powerquad over a ten gallon and it works great. However I miss not being able to run actinics alone over the tank. Does the Orbit fixture come with separate cords ? It should put out enough light for what you want to keep.
yea, i think it comes with a cord for the 10k 6k bulb and a cord for the dual actinic's. I beleive it also has 2 moon lights on it, i know my 30" model does.
Yes the Orbit has separate cords for both the sunlight and actinic bulbs as well as one for the moonlights. True dawn/dusk cycle. That is the light to get for a 10g with LPS.
I have 30watts over my 12 gallon and all my LPS do very well, I even have SPS and they have great polyp extension and have grown.
That 20" Orbit fixture is a nice fit on a ten gallon. I had one for awhile on my fuge. Gave it to a buddy for his 10G nano and he absolutely loves it. Great coloration, good growth. I wish I had it back at this point to start my own nano.

I would recommend a cycloseris or ST plate over a long tentacle. Long tentacles are gorgeous..but hard to keep long term.Also..bubble corals get huge and will kill anything they touch.Not a good choice for a nano. I have an orange cycloseris in my 12 gal,it is beautiful and is doing great..going on 4 months or so.
yea, i knew the bubbles would get big, but I think that if you pay attention and frag them by using a rubberband until it splits, it would work. Theres a thread that talks about fragging them this way somwhere :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6924441#post6924441 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by zlwags85
yea, i knew the bubbles would get big, but I think that if you pay attention and frag them by using a rubberband until it splits, it would work. Theres a thread that talks about fragging them this way somwhere :)
Not as easy as it sounds.