120lbs of LR for sale.


New member
I have a bit of LR left-over after my tank swap. It is mostly Figi, bought as Premium Figi. Sizes range from 14 inches - 6 inches across. All of it has some corraline, but none are completely covered.

Asking $3 a pound, take it all for $250.

Here's a photo for reference. The measuring stick in the center is 36 inches.


I wanted to add that this rock has been scrubbed and placed in clean water. There are a few spots with some valonia, but in general this rock is very clean.
Buyer backed out.

LR back up for sale.

Those of you who PM'ed me, first come first served, PM me again.

I was the buyer and he is correct it was my situation, getting married and the wedding is gonna cost a lot more then expected. This rock is at a great price and very healthy!!!!!!
Dont pass up a great like I had to :(:(
im going to be in your neighborhood on saturday morning around 10ish. iwould def buy 30lbs from you if you could do it at that time. let me know
All PM's have been responded to.

I have a few people interested in the whole lot. I need a commitment from someone so I can go ahead and mark it sold, or start selling it to people that wanted smaller quantities.

Ok, we are approaching having the full amount sold in smaller groups. Give it tonight and if I don't get confirmation from the 2 inquires for the full amount I will part it out.

Rock can be picked up Thursday, and Saturday.

If it does get parted out newnano and Static have first priority. I will need to see what size pieces you guys want so I can split it fairly. PM me.

Ok cool.

Got you PM Static, sent one back to ya. newnano PM me if you still want the 30lbs. Anyone else that needs a smaller amount PM me for details on the shape/sizes I have left.
