125 Gallon Clam Tank


New member
Hey guys,

I'm thinking of setting up my 125 gallon aquarium as a clam tank. I've got a couple questions.

First, is it going to be worth making this a clam-heavy tank if the tank is not viewable from above? I've already invested the money on a wooden canopy, so I have to use it. I know clams are best viewed from above though... Second, I'm thinking of putting an Aqualine Buschke 3 x 250w DE HQI with 4 x "True Actinic" PC as the lighting on the tank. Again, is it worth spending $1100 on lights when I won't be able to see the clams from the optimum viewing angle? Third, how would you guys set up/filter such a tank? I've already got most of it purchased and in place, but I'll tell you what I have after you tell me what I should have. :D

Hi Ben,

Your lighting will be great. :) Yes clams are BEST viewed from the top but you will still see some nice colors through the glass as well. Some colors will appear different through the glass such as bright green on a Ultra and most likely will appear blue through the glass.

IMO as far as your filtration, I would go with LR. Looks more natural and you can do a lot of designing with it as well, tunnels and caves. :)

There are some limitations we just have to deal with. I think my clams are beautiful looking through the side. By looking from different angles you can make the colors appear different. It isn't practical for me to look straight down because even if I didn't have a canopy the surface agitation from water movement makes them hard to see clearly.

Basically, I'm very pleased with my clams and wouldn't hesitate to setup a clam tank even if it couldn't be viewed from the top. As a matter of fact, I am. :D

Good luck to you. I'll look forward to you posting some pictures for us!
I have the gravel kind-of sloping in the middle of my tank where the clams sit so they are at a slight angle. It's cool cause you can see almost the entire clam. Maybe you could try that?
Some colors will appear different through the glass such as bright green on a Ultra and most likely will appear blue through the glass.
ThatÃ"šÃ‚´s how my clam look like (see the other thread under my name), so it is mine an Ultra maxima??