125 gallon DIY stand


New member
this is a basic 2X4 stand with a front suport so i can get my 55 gallon sump in there when its time its wraped in pine & stained with cherry oak 2 coats & 1 coat of semy gloss.


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thank u everyone it was a lot of work but well worth it.
if u look at #3 the stud is screwed on so i have a big 4x6 that is shaped in to a C that will go under there use a jack to lift it just a bit & then unscrew the stud & put the 55 gallon in there i have a 36 gallon sump right now only cuz my other stuff is still in the 55


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You did your own doors! Awesome!

What kind of joints did you use for the rails and stiles?

I was going to try to make my own doors using mortise and tenon joints but I wimped out and bought some doors.

You can see my stand in my gallery.

the doors where preaty easy just basic, i used glue and C clamps with a 1/4 inch miter cut on back to hold together nothing else
the wood glue is strong i tried to pry the corners off & couln't do it i also mitter a cut around the inside of the door so the piece of wood would sit flat against the frame it was 1/4 cut whae u have the tools u can do anything u want as long as u put u'r head in to it took me a while to figure out how i wanted to do everything also i forgot to mention that the stand is 38 insc high inside i wanted plenty of room under there.
thanks again