15 gallon... = clam?


New member
Are there any clams that can successfully live in a 15 gallon nano reef for its complete lifespan? obviously giant clams aren't the best option in this situation, are there any other other families that could live here?

Would 2x 65 PCs be enough?

Thanks for the help. If you have any links or reccomendations please leave them here!


PS This tank is not setup yet, still in the planning/dreaming stages
Other families of bivalves are not photosynthetic and therefore require huge amounts of phytoplankton. This makes them not suitable for small tanks that will quickly foul with that concentration of plankton.

You could possibly keep a T. crocea in that tank as they only grow to 15-17cm long. It will require no less than a 150W MH though which may make it difficult to keep temperature down.
Let me tell you right now that you should consider MH if you haven't already. Trust me. It will be cheaper in the long run because you will probably get one eventually and you can get any clam you want.

I have a 15 high with 150 DE MH and I plan to get a clam. As for its entire life span... Who cares? If I can get a clam to out grow my tank, I'll sell it and make a hefty profit then buy another. :D
Unless you plan to keep this tank until you have dentures, you're not going to be keeping the clam for its whole lifetime anyway.
is there a large enough market for people who want to buy 7" clams? (Sloth, I know you are semi-local, any idea?)

Thanks for the help guys

Any clam besides a crocea or maybe a maxima will outgrow a 15G in only a few years. My squamosas I have had for just under 2 years have grown around 4"+ in that time so would no longer suitable for a 15G. Derasas, gigas and Hippopus will grow equally as fast if not faster.
hebdizzle said:
is there a large enough market for people who want to buy 7" clams? (Sloth, I know you are semi-local, any idea?)

Thanks for the help guys


7 inches - ohh yea. Easy to sell a 7 inch clam. YOu wouldnt have too much troubble selling a 15 inch clam. Bigger than that and you may start having a harder time. There are tons of people with 180's. As long as it will fit in a 180 you will be able to sell it no problem.
sorry for my lack of knowledge but just a few more questions (for right now :P)

Does T. Maxima grow slower or require less light than T. Crocea? I these are the largest, but I would sell them once they get to approximately 6-7 ", if they are able to be kept under power compacts. Unfortunately, metal halide lamps aren't exactly an option at this point in time. I could let the clam settle on the rock which would make it approx 7 " from the light.

If this has no chance of working, or is not reccomended, please tell me! I would rather go without a clam then have one die.

I would not keep a maxima or a crocea under PC. Under PC i would do either squamosa deresa. These guys are much bigger and faster growing but will be more likely to live.

Croceas are smaller and slower than maximas but both need MH.