Thanks again everyone for your reply. This is the reply I got from Roy, without further evidence to prove it is something else, I think he is quite right, this is probably a H. harpax, we now got a REAL pro here, we should all feel luck and give him a worm welcome.
But I still have some questions for this species, how fast is the grow rate, what kinna of enviroment they prefer (U turnnel or corel cave) can they be raised in little container like 30g of aqua?
Hapriosquilla annandalei and H. melanoura have a dramatic pair of
spots on the telson. H. harpax has a greenish median carina, but no
real spots. Also, if I remember correctly (its been 27 years since I
worked in Thailand and collected this species), the meral spots are
greenish. The other clear give away that you are dealing with a
Harpiosquilla are the erect spines on the leading edge of the
raptorial propodus.
I am still waiting for those picture of YOUR mantis... Please help me people, I really need some close up photograph of your Mantis as reference for my 3D model. Thanks again in advance.