180 gallon equip question-pump size


New member
I am setting up a 180 gallon. I have it drilled for glass holes dart overflow (template had 2-2" outlets). I have 2 - 1" holes drilled for the return pump which will be located in basement (conservatively abt 20'-0 of equivalent head total). I will be using a 70 gallon tank for sump. Mainly a fwlr tank but may move to corals in future. I do plan to overstock. I also plan on purchasing reef octopus super reef 3000 skimmer (don't have yet). What kind of flow do I need for my return pump? I have a coralife 1100P but I think it may not quite have flow I need. Because of the head height it seems like pump selection is limited. Blue line HD 70 (abt $240.00) shows 1200 gph at 20'-0. If I get above 1200 the cost jumps significantly as does the wattage. Will low flow cause noise in such a large overflow (rated over 3000 gph). Any advice would be appreciated.

Oh and advice on return line size would be helpful. The blueline has a 1 " outlet. Will 1" pipe split for two returns really allow 1200 gph?

All you want is a pump that does 3-5 times 180g for your return. so 600-900 is good.No,it won't cause extra noise. Yes,1" will split for 2 returns. :)
Thanks..Saves me from spending $$$ unnecessarily. You think the super reef 3000 good for a 180 with 70 gallon sump? I know they tend to be over rated volume wise.