

New member
I have a 20H with 130watts of PC with approx 17 gallons of water in it after displacement is this enought to support a clam (alot of debate and want personal opinions)
the gallons don't matter.
you could probably keep a derasa or a squamosa.
it will not do as well as if it were under MH.
it can survive.
the question becomes surviving versus thriving.
phytoplankton would help your odds.
Of course you could do that.. But drdrew pinpoints it exactly...

I still don't understand why people must insist on being so impatient or ignorant about keeping a clam without the proper requirements... I think MH is the only way to go with clams.. Regardless of the kind.. They can SURVIVE, but will they thrive and live a long life?
Ok ,well I'm not impatient or I would have already bought the clam you see. You have been in the hobby less than a year and still insist on cutting down those who are unsure about something. Isn't that called "learning" try not being so rude or ignorant as to pre-judge someone based on a question. Have you personally kept a clam under the conditions availible in my tank--no so don't assume that my "impatient's" is anything less than a general curiosity to gain insight from other EXPERIENCED hobbiests not just form those who seek to re-live highschool
well, joshy to answer you ? i am w/ lebowski on this one...i personally don't think ANY clam should be kept under anything but MH's...yeah you can do some of them w/ pc's but why risk it...i believe if you can't give them optimal than don't keep them.

general curiosity to gain insight from other EXPERIENCED hobbiests not just form those who seek to re-live highschool
lebowski is in highschool.

Now for your question.

Your clam will probably live untill you upgrade to MH but Clams do need MH.

Have I kept a clam under similar conditions? Yes 20H w/ 110W CF.

Did the clam die? NO

I still say Clams need MH.
i kept a squamosa for 6 months under 165 watts PC.
the colors faded but it still extended.
i broke down that tank and put the squamosa in my friend's tank with 250w halides...1 month later i saw the clam and it is truly remarkable ...brilliant colors and contrasts, and a ton of new growth that i couldn't achieve even with phyto....
my new tank is MH.
I used to run 4 x 55w PC's over my 20 and I put a couple of t.max clams in there, up nice and high about 6" from the lights. their color faded out, although they were still alive.. cut to now, 175w MH on the tank and I've got some really happy colorful clams....
