250 watt light is it to high

Personally, I don't think it is POSSIBLE to create light that is too bright for tridacna clams (at least not with commonly available reef bulbs, even at 400w). I have seen clams on the reef flat in Polynesia that were exposed at high tide they were so shallow. We're talking direct tropic sunlight at noon in about 4" of water (the water being over 85 degrees, as well). The only thing I would be worried about with clams and bright lighting is reintroducing them to bright light after an extended period of darkness (like immediately after they have spent several weeks in wholesale / shipping).

Clams in the wild are brilliantly colored - very very dark. They have algae deep within their body tissues. If your clam is pale at all, anywhere, it could probably use brighter light.
Re: 250 watt light is it to high up from water

Re: 250 watt light is it to high up from water

I have almost the same set-up. I just recently purchased a 30 gal Oceanic Brreder. It's 20inches wide about 40 inches long and only 9 inches deep. I have a 250wt that I just got from Premium Aquatics. By the way Premium Aquatics is a great store! The clams will love this. It's a cool tank too! I am hanging my light a little high, I do not want my clams to get sun-burned. I have to gradually do this. Good Luck :)