3 Mantis~One tank???


New member
Can I do it? Or will they fight? I think they are all N. Wennare from Tampa. One is about 2 1/2" the other two are about 1 1/2". I really need some advice today on this, or it's the toilet bowl for two of them.:(
OK, guys....I'm down to two Mantis's. Can I put two together? One is a beautiful green color, and I would hate to lose him. The smallest one died, dunno why. I still have one in a bag, awaiting some input.
I have 2 in my 110 if that helps you----they seem to get along but they also like my hermits too LOL Id say go for it there should be no problem
I just put the smaller one, who appeared to be dead, into the tank with my smasher. He was immediately pulled into the "lair" where I am assuming dinner is presently being served. Do I dare put the other one in there?????
OK. It's done. I now have both Mantis' in one 2.5 nano. There's a click-fest going on. The new guy wants some occupied real estate. No full out battle yet, just some clicking skirmishes. I will post updates.
Can you add more live rock for the new guy to try to hide in? 2.5 gallons isn't very big for 2 mantis...
Well, I have added some more rock, but just base rock. This seems to have quelled the rivalry. Now both Mantis' are hiding in their burrows. Watching them scoop sand out of their dens is sooo cool.
In the past I had up to three small guys in a 5.5 gal they did fine. They are now in a bigger home though.
