37 gallon set up


New member
Hello all , would like some advice on my set up for a 37 gal, I did some changes with what i originally wanted to go with, here it is

-37 gallon reef
-30" coralife 2x 65 w pc (my tank has a canopy)( or something better any suggestion)
-aqua c remora skimmer
- 1 axi jet 600 power head
- still deciding on a canister or a emperor 280 ?? any advice?
-looking at about 40 lbs of LR ( should i put it all in there at once???)

Iam trying to keep it as simple as possible , eventually i would like some easy to take care corals!
I have used the emperor filters and found them to be pretty good.I use one on my125 to run carbon in. i dont use the media at all. They are easy to use/setup too. never used a canister type but I am sure someone has and will give some advice pretty soon. Are you running a sump?? they are a very nice thing to have and easy to set up. Like the skimmer too. I have an aqua c and I am very happy with it.
I don't use that type of filter at all, just live rock and a protein skimmer. The Emperors and the like are fine for running carbon and adding circulation, though.

I would add the live rock all at once.

You'll probably want at least 3 powerheads. You need a total flow of around 350 gph minimum, IMO. The skimmer doesn't count, since it's moving mostly air.
I've got basically that setup -- Oceanic 37g, AquaC Remora, SLS Maristar 250 HQI MH + 2 T5 atinics, Maxijet 900's for in-tank circulation. Had it for 2+ years, pretty happy. Probaby would get a bigger tank if I did it again.

If you can, have the tank drilled and use a sump for your skimmer & equipment. Take a look at the Calfo overflow plans in the All Things Salty forum, or Anthony's new forum on http://www.marinedepot.com/forums/. Or take a look at the 58g Oceanic Reef Ready tank. It's only a few inches longer.

I love the form factor of the 37g tank, but the skimmer overflow box, heater, and powerheads really take up a lot of space and spoil the asthetics. The Remora Pro isn't bad for a hang on back skimmer, but I've had mixed results (sometimes it skims great, other times not so much). If you go with a HOB skimmer get the overflow box add-on -- otherwise you'll have to deal with surface scum.

Coralife and Finnex have 150w MH + CF or T5 24 inch fixtures for reasonable prices. My 250w generates a lot of heat so I have to keep it up about 8 inches from the water.

I have a 37 gallon AGA with a small sump and Remora. It works great. Add a sump if you can. I took a 30" Current USA PC light and added a 3rd tube. MH on a small tank= chiller. Check my gallery for an old picture. R