$49.95 Too much for a Peacock Mantis?

That's about what you'll pay if you have to ship it. Try and not seem interested. Maybe in a week or two they will drop the price for you. Tell them how bad it would be too loose your business and that of your friends over some reef nuisance mantis...
I think that is a little high. I just paid 18.00 for two 4" Mantis's. They have about 10 more for 8.00 each.
There are mantis shrimp and there are mantis shrimp.....as many different kinds and colors as you find among damselfishes.
Peacock mantis shrimp (that's about the average price) are among the most beautiful and interesting with several really big plusses.....A) you can keep more than one in a tank together, B) they can be kept safely with many fish, and C) they will soon get to know you and are extremely smart.
Peacocks are "smashers", meaning they have club claws for breaking open snails, mussels and crabs (their favorite food), instead of the grabbing type hated by reef keepers.
The only time any of mine ever ate fish was when I killed one and dropped it in their burrow...early on, I put live feeders in for them, and soon ended up with a tank of rapidly growing junk fish.
They are quite happy eating frozen shrimp, carnivore mix, etc., but DON'T put a live hermit crab in, unless it's for food...the shell is no obsticle..trust me.
Use caution***..those claws have extreme smashing power, and local species are affectionately known as "thumbsplitters" by fishermen.