6000 Stream problem


Premium Member
I have had my new 6000's on line for about a week. Controlled by a multicontroller.

One of the pump impellers will not turn. It is not locked up or fouled with anything. There is power(110) to the unit.

Any ideas??

Thanks, Steve
OK, I've narrowed it down some...

Channel 2 on the controller is not working. When I plug the cable into the controller, the pump will not operate. When I unplug it, the comes on. The cables are OK, so it's either the controller or the box between the pump and controller.

What do you think Roger?

Does it not work when not connected to the multicontroller? Have you checked that their are no cracks in the drive unit? Does the alarm sound? It can be repaired or the parts can be sent- it is likely something very simple but I need to know a little more. Also what do you mean by 110V- do you have 110V to the transformer and then to the pump is 12V?
Hi Roger,

The pump works when NOT connected to the controller. When I plug either pump to Channel 2, the pump does not work. This tells me that something is interrupting the signal from Channel 2 to the pump probably a controller malfunction IMO.
Certain sockets only work in certain modes. Also, some cables have a looser fit and another cable frequently fixes this problem- an intermittent function is rare outside of a bad connection. You need to be plugged into the 1st and 3rd socket in pulse mode or the 1st and 4th in tide mode. In tide mode the second pump will come on after the interval you set. Sequence mode is not an option with 2 pumps. If you cannot get it to work send it to me and I will repair or exchange it within 24hrs. First thing to do though is make sure all connections are firm and within the specs of the program you are using. Just a note that the other time I saw this the pins on the DIN cable were slightly narrower and didn't make contact- a new cable was all it took.
Thanks! Just let me know- if it is just the cable I will send out a new one otherwise send the controler in and I will get it fixed ASAP.