75 gallon seahorse, pipefish, dartfish and dragonet tank.


New member
Fairly simple build here. Diy aio with a cheap skimmer, filter socks and very, very low flow. Will be planted with all kinds of macro algae. 20kg of dry rock, which will be seeded with sponges, pods, micro crustaceans. Will have some fairly simple corals like acans lords, zoas and lots of gorgonians.

Dragonface pipefish x2
yellow multibanded pipefish x 2
Purple dartfish
hellfrichi firefish
spotted mandarin
regular mandarin
(all dragonets eating frozen as i already have them in my 20 long nano)
scissortail dartfish
Blue spotted jawfish'
5x kuda seahorses
possum wrasse pair
small goby
Sound nice. As far as flow go it doesn’t have to be really slow flow . Areas of high flow is beneficial and your seahorses will appreciate it it. They like to swim in and against currents. The only thing is you have to protect them from the powerheads by making a guard of some type.
Look forward to pictures