Hey Anthony, I was reading through RK latest article, "All in the Family" An IMAC Review and came across the following statement by Eric Borneman......
Reef Aquarium Myths: Tales From The Dark Side
"Also, corals do not reach for light. The perceived extension of coral polyps is a response to water flow and desire to optimize prey capture."
I was under the impression that Coral's will reach for light when the lighting scheme is inadequate..?.
Whats your take on this? I thought Corals reaching for light is well known and accepted truth regarding coral behavior.
Reef Aquarium Myths: Tales From The Dark Side
"Also, corals do not reach for light. The perceived extension of coral polyps is a response to water flow and desire to optimize prey capture."
I was under the impression that Coral's will reach for light when the lighting scheme is inadequate..?.
Whats your take on this? I thought Corals reaching for light is well known and accepted truth regarding coral behavior.