A few pics/movies of my mantis


New member

He's a small florida smasher, very dark with a green tint. I took a few pics and a low quality movie of him snatching a little shrimp chunk out of the water. I purchased some live rock from a local shop in Tampa and he tagged along. I heard him smashing everything in sight for a week or two and then got lucky and saw him scuttling into a little hole in a small piece of rock near the top of my pile. A quick grab and then he and the rock were off to the sump. He has been there for a few weeks and seems to be doing well. I feed him a krill or some mysis shrimp three times a week. I also threw a snail and a couple small hermits in for target practice :) He snaps at the rock all the time and I think he has excavated a little tunnel complex from his original home. He can now go into the original hole on top and then reappear either behind the rock or underneath it where he cleared out the sand.

Its funny, I spend as much or more time watching the little free mantis in my sump as I do the display tank above it. I considered taking the easy route and impaling him in his hole after learning what he was and reading some posts from other reefers, I am glad I didn't.


heh....cool video files (although i had problems with the mpg, the avi was still ok in quicktime)...looks like it missed though <g>