A General Shrimp Question...


New member
I have a coral banded shrimp, and have recently noticed something wierd. He has brown algae growing on him! It's the same "golden brown" a;gae that coats the back wall of the tank...is this dangerous to his health? Why is he covered with it? Don't shrimp clean themselves?

Sashimi NEVER looks like this, he is always very clean-looking. It's starting to bug me, I almost watch to catch him and use an algae scrub-brush on him....

I would not worry about it. It will molt in the next few days and come out sparkling clean.
Did you get your ciliata yet? That was probably the best looking one I ever found, very full bodied and an attitude to boot!
Hi Fcamdog!!!!

Hi Fcamdog!!!!

Not yet, but I'm working with the fellow reefer who has him, and trying to figure out a way to get up to Redmond or Bend (Oregon) to pick him up... the pass is very nasty right now, and my car doesn't have chains or 4 wheel drive, so I'm a bit nervous, but I can't wait to get him!!! I'll let you know ASAP when I have him, I'll take pictures too! :D :D :D
