ac junior timer problem


New member
my ac junior timer is acting up.... The time states 3:41pm (15:31) and the lights go on... but they are suppose to go on at 3:30PM (15:30)???
I have adjusted the leap second field to keep more accurate time (it was loosing time every day)...
How can i straighten this out?

I'm not quite sure what time you give above is correct - 3:41 or 15:31. If your time statement is 'If Time > 15:30 Then LT1 ON', I would expect the lights to go on at 15:31. The time 3:30 pm is not greater than 15:30.
Is it not keeping accurate time now? If not find out how many seconds it is gaining/losing per day, and adjust the leap second value by that amount.

The timer is set at 15:30... But the light goes on at 15:41...(at least today thats what time it went on-- according the juniors clock)

I have double checked the statement... It says on at 15:30 (so i would expect it to go on at 15:31)...

I only mentioned the leap second thing b/c i thought that may have something to do with it...

I have adjusted the leap second every day incrementally and it is now close to matching my computer clock... but it still looses time--I will keep adjusting slowly--

but the timer i can't figure out-- the leap second and the timer problem is related or no?