AC3 and Co2 and pH


Premium Member
I just received my AC3 today and everything is working good except for I'm not sure how I can control the CA reactor's co2. What I have setup is the Co2 regulator is plugged into one of the DC8 plugs, I have the AC3 setup with:

If pH > 7.90 Then CO2 ON
If pH < 7.80 Then CO2 OFF

This works fine and it turns the co2 off if the tank pH gets to low. So, I wanted to use the ORP port with the CA reactor pH probe to stop the co2 if the effulant pH gets to low. Currently I'm doing this with a milwaukie pH controller and the Co2 regulator. So, I pluged the CA reactor probe into the AC3 and calibrated it. It read the pH fine. The problem is this, I add 2 more lines of programming to control the CA reactor co2 regulator:

If pH2 < 6.7 Then CO2 OFF
If pH2 > 6.7 Then CO2 ON

The problem is this over rides the first set of programming that is meant to stop the reactor from bringing down the tank pH. Unless I did something wrong, I can't see what it would be.

So, is there a way to do this with just the AC3 or do I need to use the milwaukie controller also?


You don't need 2 statements for pH2, just the one to turn if off.

If pH > 7.90 Then CO2 ON
If pH < 7.80 Then CO2 OFF
If pH2 < 6.7 Then CO2 OFF
Ok, that I can except, but is the ph2 going to over ride the ph1? Meaning if the tank pH gets to < 7.80 is the CO2 going to be off.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6974450#post6974450 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by h20cooled
Ok, that I can except, but is the ph2 going to over ride the ph1? Meaning if the tank pH gets to < 7.80 is the CO2 going to be off.


no override, the CO2 will be OFF if pH < 7.80 or if pH2 < 6.7