acropora/ newbee question


Active member
after a year of softys i just bought a 1" acro frag. after watching it for 3 days, how do i know it's alive? theres no poylp extention that i can see. for all i know i have this little piece of dead coral. thanks bob
i had several that were doing great for a while and then they just started to turn white all of a sudden... I left for the weekend and when I came back two of them were bleached completely while another two were partially bleached, within a couple of days they were all gone...

I still have no idea what happened but don't feel like spending the money to try again...
Often if a new acro is introduced it may take a couple of days to come around. If there was good polyp extension at the lfs, I do not think it is a good sign of success. A very good thing to do is take a flash light about a hour after the tank light is off and shine it on the acro at night there is usually good extension.

If there is not; it is back the usual water quality issue, check all your water parameters and make sure everything is ok. Especially phosphate, nitrate, ca, and alkalinity.
it was in a frag tank at a show and i didn't see polyps there. my water is fine ca 400 po4 0 niitrate 2 ppm and alk 8 dk
Hmm... if it's got flesh on it and not skeleton, and the flesh isn't coming off of the skeleton, it's alive. Hard to tell if it's happy, polyp extension can vary between species. Just be patient. Somtimes polyps come out at night. You mentioned it was white... is it supposed to be white? What kind of light do you have it under?
i have no idea what it is. it was a stupid impulse buy because of the a 75 with lps and softys. i have it high in the tank under 6x 54 t-5's