Acrylic tank bowing. HELP! (please)

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Mushroom Boy

Premium Member
Hi there.

I'm back to posting after the birth of my second child :) and I've got what I think may be a crisis on my hands. I'm noticing that my 40 gallon acrylic tank is bowing out on the front and sides :( What should I do? Is there anything I can do? Is this tank about to blow? I live in an earthquake zone, so acrylic really is the better choice for me. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks Larry! It's been a crazy couple of weeks ;)

My tank is a TruVu made of 1/4" acrylic. It's dimensions are 36x15x16high. The best I can tell, the front bows out about 3/8" at its most extreme point. I'm not sure if it's a new thing - I hadn't noticed it before a couple days ago, though.
I have a 140 gallon acrylic and when I asked about the bowing I was told by quite a few people, including Tenecor, that it was normal. This is why acrylic tanks have the top support along all sides.

Regards - John
Doesn't sound like a worrisome bowing to me. BTW, I'm in a much more earthquake prone area; I don't worry so much about the tank, just the people (cuz I know the tank will be toast in a big one).

Congratulations on the birth of your child; I have three girls myself.
Thanks everyone! Glad to hear it's not a big deal. Although, if you would have said it's a problem, it would have given me the perfect ammo to setup the 100 gallon I've been pining for :)

My new daughter's name is Ruby and she already seems to enjoy looking at the tank. I smell justification for a new coral acquisition :)

congrats on the the daughter
i know how you feel when it comes to a tank leaking or something when my 30 gal started leaking i shoud have been very upset since i had the time to get everything out of there and had the funds i stepped up to a 65 man my roommate was pissed lol but ask me if i would do it agian in a second ; )hehe in a heart beat

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