Adding a clam


Premium Member
I might be getting my first clam (don't know what kind yet)tomorrow and I would like to find out what I need in order to keep it happy:
What do I feed it?
How often?
Where to place it?
What should I be aware of?

1 250W MH 10000K
2 Marine glo fluorescent
Tunze 7200 PH
4 inch sand bed

1 false perc
3 blue devils
1 yellowtail damsel
1 LM Blenny
4 PJ cardinals
3 cleaner shrimps
1 Boxer shrimp
1 fire (blood) shrimp
6 turbos
60-80 hermits (small)
2 brittle stars
well you have a large tank and your lighting is ok, it isnt that much for your size but it would work.

i would probably avoid maximas as a first attempt and try a squamosa or derasa or perhaps even a crocea, i have found that these 3 clams are generally very hardy, maximas can be a little more difficult for some.

you will want to get your clam in the area that the 250 watt halide is in, which im sure is in the center of your tank. You will most likely want to start your clam off on the sandbed and see how it does, make sure it gets good mantle expansion and is healthy within a few days of placing it there. you may also want to place a shell underneath it for the clam to attach to and to also block out any predatory worms you may have.

as far as feeding goes, most people use live phytoplankton, you dont have to directly feed the clam, you feed the whole tank, and i believe that DT's is to be used every other day.


Thanks for the info :)
should current be an issue?
What is DT and what should I do if there isn't any where I live?
I made Eric's tank food recipe. Will that be enough?
i would probably avoid maximas as a first attempt and try a squamosa or derasa or perhaps even a crocea

Sorry kozmo02, but I have to disagree with ya there. Croceas are generally considered the most demanding of all the tridacnid clams (both lighting and care wise). I would recommend a squamosa or derasa for a first clam.
you may also want to place a shell underneath it for the clam to attach to and to also block out any predatory worms you may have.

What kind of shell?
How do I actually position the clam itself?

Thanks for the tip. I don't know what clams my LFS is getting so it's not up to me.

How do I choose the right clam (size, health etc.)?