Air Freshener for smell?


New member
My tank had been up for almost a year without a skimmer with no problems. I had a little extra money come in and decided why not try one. I bought a Coralife Super Skimmer and it works great. The issue is now that the dark green/brown gunk that the skimmer pulls out smells like ... I can't describe it but it is bad. They should make people drink it on Fear Factor. Anyway does anyone use any type of stick on air freshener under their stand? Would it be harmful? The smell is not that bad until I go to dump the skimmer cup but I do get a whiff everytime I open the stand doors.
i was using a Glade air freshener, the one with a built in fan. it really knocked out the smell from the skimmate. i didnt notice any ill effects on the tank, but i dont have a door on the front of mine. so i wouldnt get a build up of the chemical from the air freshener.
Try putting some kalk or baking soda in the collection cup....or.....putting a bag of carbon over the vent holes in the lid of the collection cup.

"better living through chemicals" would be my last choice.
Kalk in the skimmer cup is what I do. It makes a TREMENDOUS difference in the smell of the skimmate.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6916845#post6916845 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Reef'in Colorado
Plug in type air freshners are the #1 cause of house fires

LOL now thats funny

FYI "Cooking is the #1 cause of house fires in the U.S. and also the leading cause of home fire-related injuries."
A lot of the issue wiht the plugins are the pass-through types with the outlet on them. People try to plug real appliances into them, and theyre not rated for real load.
The description you are looking for is it "smells like a turd covered in burnt hair."

Portable Oust Fan- runs off batteries- I love em!
Yep, I use about 1 tsp in my large skimmer cup (holds over a gallon). I skim wet, so the kalk powder dissolves as the skimmate collects. Just like in water, the kalk elevates the pH. This inhibits the growth of the bacteria that break down the organic skimmate and produce the foul odor. It knocks the smell down from "I'm about to gag" to simply "unpleasant".
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6916845#post6916845 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Reef'in Colorado
Plug in type air freshners are the #1 cause of house fires, I would try carbon or baking soda as ErikS suggested.

Better check your sources... I'd think SC Johnson would consider that a libelous statement since it's completely untrue.

As for the question here: air freshener??? C'mon....:rolleyes:
Empty the skimmer cup more often. Problem solved.
