Algae ID?


New member
Anyone can identify this one?

Thanks reefpod,

It does seem to meet the characteristics specified in the link you provided, since it's growing from 13-week-old Fiji live rock, has tough leaves, and appears to be forming air bladders (the little yellow balls among the leaves).

I had, originally discounted sargassum, as I though that algae had a more matted appearance. This one is growing from a long single stalk that's, currently, about 5" long.
I believe its Sargassum sp
I concur.

IMHO it's a very desirable plant to have in the aquarium. Only known enemies of those in my tanks are the Turbo snails - my Tangs don't eat them...

They do tend to grow quite quickly, and can grow to over 500mm in height - this might be a problem if they then shade your corals, so keep this in mind...
