Algae ID


New member
Hi all,

I thought I had dino's, but it looks like some sort of algae. It's soft and fleshy. It looks like my blue tang likes it, but it's spreading and I want it gone. Any help is appreciated.


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My guess is cyanobacteria. One possible solution is to manually remove it every other day for a week, then hit with a 3-4 day blackout/chemiclean combo punch. Follow that with manual removal of any remaining, then a large water change.

That's a fix, not a cure though. You need to look at imports (feeding) and exports (skimming, macro algae pruning), to get the nutrient levels right for your system. Also competition like macros, and predation with snails, plus lighting and water movement, can all have an effect.

Hope this helps. Good luck! And welcome to RC!