I am new to clams. I have just recently added 2 maximas to my 180 gallon reef. They were both from different dealers. One clam (smaller one)had only been in stock for about a week, and the other (larger)for 3 weeks. The first one seems great, but the second one seems to have it's mantle pinching in on one half. The other half is completely fine (if you were to cut the clam lengthwise down the middle) and expanding nicely. If the clam were sick I would think the mantle would pinch in many places randomly, not just along one side. It's bizarre. I did fin d some rice snails and removed them, however they were there in the dealers tank and the clam appeared fine anyhow (fully expanded). I am wondering what any of you think this might be. The dealer I got the larger one from had them under 175w MH and I have mine under 400watt 10K (on the sand bed for acclimation). Is the clam doing this because the light is reflecting on that half of the mantle more than the other? Should I reduce my photo period? I don't want to lose it. All parameters are in check and all corals are flourishing.