anemone ID..


New member
which one is this.. the f@@er ate my cleaner shrimp.. the shrimp jumped on top of a clown, the clown took it to the anemone and gone was the shrimp.. the cleaner shrimp wasn't small either..



I am sorry to hear your cleaner shrimp was eaten by your Anemone. How big is your Anemone now? Anemones in general feed on krill, shrimp, small fishes, etc.

Here is a link that will take you to a site with other links to photos and names of the varies Anemones out there. I hope this help to identify your current Anemone.

I do believe it's a long tip Anemone, but I am not sure. The Tentacles are currently very small.
It looks like a carpet that's trying to find a good spot. It resembles the ones I had to dodge with my hands when I did cleanings. Have you seen it stretch out yet? Does it have any kind of stalk or is a low laying anemone? If it doesn't have any kind of stalk to it (probably the wrong verbage), then add in the short tentacles you've shared.. my money would be on a carpet.
They are probably the most aggressive anemone's I know. They move around until they find 'their spot' and then just start to grow. If you have the room for it, they can be nice but they're best suited for a FO tank because they can kill off most everything they come in contact with just by touch.
it is a bleached BTA, it is quite usual to see anemones like this in LFS in Japan. What lighting do you have it under? Given the colour, you should continue to supplement feed, although not with Cleaner shrimp, that was an expensive meal!!

To look on the plus side, given that the anemone ate the shrimp, it shows it is pretty healthy (albeit bleached). I would imagine the anemone would revert to brown once the Zooxanthellae return. Which clown is hosting in it?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12107495#post12107495 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MDP
it is a bleached BTA, it is quite usual to see anemones like this in LFS in Japan. What lighting do you have it under? Given the colour, you should continue to supplement feed, although not with Cleaner shrimp, that was an expensive meal!!

To look on the plus side, given that the anemone ate the shrimp, it shows it is pretty healthy (albeit bleached). I would imagine the anemone would revert to brown once the Zooxanthellae return. Which clown is hosting in it?


I have 4x96 pc light, but it lives under a bridge i made of rock. i tired to make him move but he goes back in there, i guess he likes it kinda dark. as for clown it one of the brown ones.. dont know the names..