Answer My Question!!!!!!!!

Please answer my question.

Hi everyone. I was wondering how much light is required for a maxima clam 1" in a 12 gallon mini-reef system?

Please advise.

Thank you
Change your tone of subject, you are feeding the attorney stereotype.
12g, get 36 watts of PC, or a Lights of America 65W, with a 13w blue.
The appropriate lighting for a T. maxima is 250w metal halide regardless of the amount of water it sits in. Obviously this is not feasible in a 12-gallon tank, which means that a 12-gallon tank is not a good choice for a mature T. maxima. You can get by with less lighting while the clam is small but eventually it will require a lot of light to thrive, as well as a larger tank.

You might consider using a single 150w double-end metal halide lamp in a smallish tank but I think 12-gallons is really too small unless you intend to upgrade to a larger tank in the next few years.