any cool shelving monti's anyone have for sale/trade?


New member
Have a deepwater acro and branching hammer (3 connected heads) for trade, or cash for purchase!!! Need to know how to get them to stay where you want them as well, thanks!
Depending on color I might be interested in trading for the deepwater acro.

I've got some GREAT looking montipora capricornis pieces, purple with yellow polyps that gets green too, I've got neon green, and if you're looking for super-rare expensive I've got Tyree LE Montipora Confusa, which is the shelving kind rather than the ones from Foster smith which are the branching kind. Mine is this:

Have a good one
I have some montis as well.

I have the Leng Sy, Tyree Idaho Grape, Orange Cap, Tyree Atlantis Green with Pink Polyp Cap.
If you want encrusting I hae the rainbow, and the Tyree sunset monti. I also have the setosa but it is not bi enough to frag yet aybe in a month or two.

To get them to stay where I want them I usually just super glue them. Works well for me.

well it used to have this really nice bluish hue to it but under my current lighting situations has turned brown with a whitish bottom... I will try to take pics on saturday and post em up.
The largest I'll go is probably 3"x2", probably $100. It sounds like a lot, but I know that a lot of people who buy that will grow it out since it'll grow fast at that size and just sell it off again for $35 or more a frag, or take it to an LFS who will get $100 for each small frag grown from their colony. Call me a pessimist... :p
I just fragged up my idaho grape monti. small frags though. about penny size (mounted on frag disks) as I was going to let them grow out a little. If you were interested I'd be interested in a small piece of that acro. nothing big, but i've only got one other acro and it seems to be doing good so far. lmk if you're interested.
I got you reef, I definitely understand how that goes. I bought armageddon's 1 1/2 months ago (3 polyps) and im up to 5 full grown with 4 babies right now. Can you send me some pictures??? It will probably be 1 1/2 weeks with the holidays and whatnot and the ending of school.