anyone free tomorrow?


In Memoriam
I'm looking for someone with a nice camera and some photograph skills. I'm going to be selling some corals online soon and need to get some good pictures of them. I guess either tomorrow or sunday would work. I would really appreciate it!

I was gonna swing by your place and Roggers tomorrow (well, was gonna call first). I've got a decent SLR and some skills. I'm just ****ed that I forgot my tripod, but we can figure something out. Let me know.
I'm down. I've got a school thing from 10am to 2pm but will be free anytime around that. Let me know. You've got my number.
damn dude, i would help but im booked thsi weekend.
but if you help in the future, let me know.
my name is dex, i met you last meeting.
im the photographer guy.
i was talking w/ jessep.
i remember...thanks for the offer! I'm going to sell some stuff so that I can start to buy some nice things...calcium reactor...controller...dslr camera! and if I ever get all those I'll probably take a class through my school on photography. probably a nice class to take.
photography usually in school shoots film. so youre gonna have to buy two cameras :)
i film one to learn from and a digital one to use regularly.

learning on film makes a person really appreciate how great digital slr are.

again, if you need help, just shoot me a PM.
dex, i looked at your "red house" and saw your blog. youve got real talent man! btw ygpm.

keith, wish your nearer so i can grab the frags you gonna sell. good luck
I wanna swing by Roggers later today/tonight, I just have to see if he's got time and is available. If he is, I'll swing by your place with my cam. I just have to wait for later cause I have people coming over this afternoon.
eric...give me a call because matt and I were hoping to go to roggers too. I'll give him a call and see when he's available.
That'd be cool, I haven't seen you guys in a while. I would definitely be down, but I've got someone coming over around 2-3pmish. You and Matt should come up here and check my tank out in the meantime, then I'll head down to your place, then we'll all go over to Roggers (if we can) after that. ::hmmm::