Anyone have a lawnmower blenny?


In Memoriam
just wonderin if these guys always hide out or if mine is still just getting used to his new home, i just got him today
Give him a week to ten days before he feels comfortable coming out in the open. At least that's how mine behaved. They are great fish to have in a reef tank.
Yep...they take a little time to adjust. Once they do though, you will love them. Mine is awesome and I have had him for about 6 months now. Great fish!
I picked the biggest one in the tank(4 1/2 in), it has the best personality of any of my fish. I suppose every fish is different, mine has been out in the open from the moment I put him in. He likes to sit and watch tv right next to my mandarin..LOL. Great fish, I couldn't imagine my tank without the ugly thing...good luck!
I have had mine for about a year. He is really growing and is very tame and funny. Give him some time and I'm sure he will be one of your favorites. I have a lot of Algae that keeps him happy.
Nothin' better than those blenny lip marks on the glass :) Little blenny kisses all over the algae.
Mine is a little p*e*s*t. He bites my tangs and foxface leaving marks. (which heal in a day or so) It doesn't really seem to hurt them but still. Other than that he's a great little character.
Don't worry he should definately be out and about once he settles in, perches, watches, mine thinks he's stevie wonder in the front panel of my tank!...overall great personality fish whether he eats the HA or not!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6965313#post6965313 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Yose
Nothin' better than those blenny lip marks on the glass :) Little blenny kisses all over the algae.

Yeah I see that in my tank alot.

This is one of my fav fish I have in my tank since he is just fun to watch swim around and look for algae to eat. My new Fuzzy Lion Fish doesnt know what to think of him.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6965313#post6965313 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Yose
Nothin' better than those blenny lip marks on the glass :) Little blenny kisses all over the algae.

Glad to know that mine isn't the only one that does that!!

I love my LMB!!
i had one.... absoluetely loved it.... but had to get rid of it when i broke down the tank... now i am afraid to put him back in because they are known to nip at sps and clams..... but the best personality fish i have ever had...
I have one that is awesome. Keeps things clean and does some funny stuff. They are like a Bulldog in the fact they are so ugly they are cute.