Anyone have any cheato?

Angela Short

New member
I think I may have my sump modified to do a small fuge, just gotta glue in some eggcrate to keep it in place, and was needing a cheato ball to start me off. Anyone thinning out around meet time? Thanks and how much?

You can have the rest of my chaeto out of my fuge as I am breaking down my tank for a move. I have a piece the size of a softball or a bit bigger. I won't be able to make the meeting but you are welcome to pick it up or I could meet you at the Critter.
Will you still have it at the next meet? The 25th? I will not be up in the Nashville area till then but can meet you at the critter sometime that day. LMK if this will work. It should be fine in a bucket of SW till then if your tank will be already broke down...
I am moving to a new job the week of March 27 or April 3rd, so it will have to be before that time unless someone in Nashville wants to babysit it for you.
I can bring you (or anybody else for that matter) some to the meeting. It is finally growing and I need to thin it out.
Angela, I am going to the meeting so I can get it for you. You are right down the road from me... and I still need to come by and see your tanks anyways :)
I am comming tho the meet but its 45 minutes one way for me to the critter :(. If some folks can donate a small bag at the meet it would save me some running and gas. Thanks for the offer Theop, very nice of you, but I may pass because of distance and gas. Titanfan, not very wowwie but come over anytime. The April meet is at my house also....