Anyone in NE Ohio Want a Mantis


New member
I just caught him and thought that I would offer him to anyone crazy enough to want it. I live in Medina, OH and will hold onto him for a day or so in case someone wants to pick him up.

How did you catch him

How did you catch him

I have a mantis in my 90 and want him GONE. I tried all the "traps" and even tried stabbing him all without luck. My tank is very deep and I have been trying for month to catch him.
Good luck! This was the second one that I removed and I am pretty sure I have one more. The first on was at the bottom of the tank so I bit the bullet and removed all the rock so I could take that piece out. Then I just kept jamming the coat hanger in the hole until he came out. This last one was easy, but it was luck. He was out toward the top in some of the rocks. I had a coat hanger in one hand and a net in the other. Slowly I put the net next to the rock on one side of him. Then I slowly put the coat hanger on the other side. Basically, I coaxed him with the coat hanger into the net! I doubt that I will EVER be able to do it again but like I said it was luck.
