Anyone interested in a used 180?


New member
I happened across a local person (Highland, IL) in the newbie forum the other day as she was trying to gather info on getting a tank going she had purchased. I posted and told her to PM me if I or anyone here could maybe help her out. Since then we have PM'd back and forth and over the course of the conversation I found that she was renting and already had several other tanks going. I asked her about her place, it's ability to handle a 180's weight, and the electrical needs. She had limited electrical capability and started to get concerned about the feasibility of funding a SW tank this size, so she asked if I knew anyone that might be interested in buying it. I told her I would pass the info along. At this time all I know is that this is supposed to be a reef ready tank, someone had freshwater in it before she bought it and possibly SW prior to that. She said it had some various equipment with it, some sort of sump and other plumbing and some lighting, but she's not real clear on what all she's got. I have asked her to try and email me some pics so I can post them for her, but don't have them yet. She said it has a pine stand that she has refinished herself. Um, that's about all I know right now. Like I said, she's brand new on RC and I don't even think she's been to this forum yet. I believe she might work nights and sleeps during the day. I have her email addy she said you could use to contact her:

If any mods look at this and feel that it falls under the rule of needing a price attached to it, let me know and I will contact her ASAP and get one. I think she just wants to get back out of it what she paid for it, but not sure. Or if anyone else talks to her and she tells you, put it on here.
You'd probably be better off sending her a message at that email address. I don't want to get into being a go-between, really, as I don't personally know her. Just told her I'd put this out there and she said to have people contact her that way. She goes by pewter_jean on RC.
I seriously doubt I'd get one...she sounds like she's on as tight a budget as I am. But the concept sounds good. :bum:
Ok, got a pic to work with now. She can email you others if you contact her that way. Not a great pic, but you can see how the tank and stand basically look.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6920729#post6920729 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ArloGut
Doesn't go very well with the Carpet & Sofa.. JK

:lol: The price would be 200 higher for you now so she can buy new carpet! :lol:
Actually, my understanding is that it is an rented apartment so I doubt she has any say in how the carpet looks. From what she's told me, she just wanted to have a larger (than 75 gal which she has now) SW reef tank and kind of jumped too quickly on getting this one before figuring out just what all she would need to be able to run it. I believe her dream is more in the 120 to 135 realm, so shorter, one less light/ballast/reflector, less rock, less salt, etc. Proceeds from selling this tank and possible some other stuff she has would go to fund the tank she maybe should have waited out for in the first place. Plus, from what I've been hearing, she has been getting fed some not so great "advice" from some of the local shops. I'm just trying to help her avoid too many more expensive mistakes.
hmmmm....I don't know, I have told her about this forum. At the time I talked to her I thought she was still considering setting up the 180, but that thread you linked to was from before I ever talked to her. Had no idea she was even on any other boards. Ok, well whatever, I put her email addy on here and I'll let her handle it from there.
Well I finally found it. You all are jumping on Dave, and all he has been is very helpful. Yes I am mandarin_watcher, and yes I did post on the other forum a couple of weeks ago, and yes my land lord did finally say I could keep the tank, So Yes I did try to go some where I believe I could get real help from people who actually knew what they were talking about, and not trying to sell me crap knowing I would have to come back and upgrade in a few months. And Yes after talking to Dave a couple of times I realized that the 180 gal tank was to big a project for me to handle at this time. Plus the floor in my apt might handle the load, but the electrical set up probly won't. And I don't think I could get my land lord to rewire my apt for me so I could set up this tank.
As far as my carpet goes, what you do like to early 70's retro green shag carpet, My bedroom has the never out of style orange shag. LOL. As stated earlier here and on the other post that people want to bring up. It all comes down to this. After working two jobs for years and never getting anything for me. This year I decided that I wanted to finally do something for me!!! I took my tax refund and wanted to upgrade my system. I had spent months looking for a tank around the 120 to the 135 gal range. But as you all know the other web sites don't split off by area of the country. So everything I would find was in Forida or California. No help. If I did find something in this area, it would be basically what I already have (not an upgrade) or be gone before I read about it. The 180gal was the only thing I found it this area at that time. So I jumped on it. Well it turns out I jumped on the biggest horse in the stable without knowing how to ride. That is all it boils down too, So I am asking the same thing here as before. I would like about 1000.00 or a fair price. (seeing as that was my whole refund) and I don't think my sailfin would like to spend another year in that 75. or if any one has a simalar set up on a smaller scale 120 to 135 and would like to trade systems I am willing to listen.
Again Dave, Thank you for your help. And I'am sorry if you felt put out or used I never meant to ever make any one feel that way.
Oh yea the only reason I am pewter_jean here and not mandarin_watcher is because my password would not work, I keep trying to fix it but it keeps messing up. And instead of fighting with it any longer I just open a new membership. nothing deceaving about it.
Welcome! And I still think you need to charge 200 extra to anyone who mentioned the carpet! :lol:
Well nice to meet you pewter_jean. What are you asking for the tank & stand?? I thought I read $1100.00, is that correct?? Or did you change the price?
What I meant to say about the carpet was I am envious I would rather have her carpet then the carpet in my house since my wife's dog pooped all over it:furious: . If I had the $$ I would pay my debt to save face :love1:.
