Anyone know a good place to order live crabs and other octo snacks?

Ok, how would I keep more than 5 or 6 crawfish alive to spread out feeding my octo? Can an octopus devour an entire crawfish in one day? If I were to get a bulk order of live crabs, could I put all 20 or so of them in the tank at once?
My full grown bimacs could eat 3-4 medium crayfish a day. I keep the extras in 5 gallon buckes with a hydro sponge filter and feed then fish food. You could house a bunch in buckes like that or rubbermade tubs. You can always put a ad in some where and sell some too. Some times fishstores will buy a bunch off you. For 50 bucks deliverd you get 150-200 crayfish, if you tell them you want small ones. Sell the extas and make some of your money back.
My guy isn't full grown quite yet. I'd say he is about 8 inches from armtip to armtip. I am going to wait to do the crawfish thing until I move into my house next month. Do you know of any place where I can get fiddler crabs for a good price? I can just plop those in my tank with the octo and he can munch when he wants. Or, I could keep some in a small 10 gallon
Not sure how close you are to the ocean, but they love hermit crabs and normal crabs also. I do just what Ceph. says, 5 gal. buckets, can last a couple weeks with airation, water gets kinda nasty buts crabs and snails are hardy I've found. What I do also is put alot of hermit crabs and snails in with him and he eats at his own pace, just have to clean out his cave of shells.
Buy a cheap 10 gallon & cheapo filter and airstone & put them in there. I've kept crawfish in a fish tank before. Your best bet would be the crabs, though, to keep it in the saltwater food area rather than too much freshwater food. You could always run out to Lewisville Lake and get some crawfish that way (or a bait shop in Lake Dallas).
Hey fellow Texan- Ceph keepers, just wanted to say hi.

I've also been looking for a supplier of live crabs and shrimp, Id figure in an area this big there would be a # of them.

There is an Oriental Market here that carries live shrimp (5" to 6") for $15 a lbs.(it's all I've found so far other than LFS's)
Cool, more Dallas people are on here! I might start visiting local bait shops to see what they have. I ordered some crabs from the site Chris suggested above. Those will do for now, but once I move into my house I will definitely go for the crawfish thing. I have a spare 10 gallon that I can use to keep them in.

Try Tom Thumb also...I once got live crawfish for 99 cents a lb. there...put 'em in the pond I had at the time when I was living in the country. Of course, some went in the aquarium.
Cray fish

Cray fish

I calle them in MD. But crawfish is just as fin :)
Anyways I live in the middle of the mountains, actually a short distance from camp david...hehe. There is a Fish hatchery down the road from me that , besides the obvious, collect thousands of salimanders..newts , frogs..Cray fish. I can get bulk for really cheap and was planning to ,once i get my octo(waiting for cycle to end). From the sound of this post , octo's are fine eating them..but i have heard crayfish carry some sort of toxin /germ/ or something...and cant be fed to certain animals?????? Also, how many can you keep in a 5gal? Dont they fight eachother?
