Anyone know about HALEMEDA


New member
Hi All, :beer:

I have a small HOB 18' CPR aqua fuge for my 55 gal. tank .

Question is A friend recommended a macroalgae called

HALEMEDA for my fuge so I went too 3 lfs in my area all of

course recommended different things I would like a good algea

at some point in my tank . I know patients is the key . what do

I need to grow halemeda in my fuge? I saw some it looks like

a shrub at one lfs I'm leaning towards buying it . If I don't buy

it What is a good macroalgea I've heard and read of so many

types I'm confused ? I used the search feature on this site and

not much came up on halemeda am I spelling it wrong All

replies welcome :beer:
Halimeda is Ok, but cheatomorpha is a bit better. Halimeda takes a lot of calcium to grow, and compaired to the cheato, it grows too slow to be of any help. All cheato needs is a good amount of light, and some tank water.
Halimeda is a calcerous green and is not likely to be grazed if you put it in your main tank. Some halimeda species have structures that resemble roots and do well in soft, sedimented sandbeds. Others grow attach to the rock. It's an attractive algae, IMO, and I kept it in my display tank. Other algaes grow faster. Chaetomorpha and Gracillaria are two that may do well in your refugia, but can sometimes be tricky to sustain, and won't commonly be encountered at a LFS. Sargassum and Caulerpa are two commonly encountered algae that IME fare well in most refugia. Both Sargassum and Caulerpa are "leaky" algae that may discolor the water.

A better place to find refugia algae (than a LFS) is from a member of your reef club or from an on-line retailer like Inland Aquatics or Bill's Reef.