Anyone need saltwater books?


New member
Hey guys and gals! Its been a long time since I have been on here. Anyway, Darryl and I broke down our tank and sold it a few months back, but we were cleaning out the old bookshelf and ran across two great books we had. They both are like new (in fact the one is still very very new).

Anyway, We are getting rid of them for $10.00 together. The one is Marine Fishes by Scott W. Michael. It is almost 500 pages all in color. We found it useful for identifying fishes bought out in town. It talks about the care of each of them and such. The other is for beginners. It is called Saltwater Aquariums make a Great Hobby by John Tullock. It has some color pages but it is mostly for newbys. If you all are interested let me know.

I just read the post before mine about not being a storefront selling stuff. I hope its okay I post this since I am not a store.... just an ex-saltwater tank owner on island.

Take care
