anyone try a "T" from the drain into pump to skimmer? (pic)

nemo g

New member
just looking to improve my noname skimmer.

technically, getting the drain directly into the skimmer is the most efficient. however, with this nonamer, there isnt a cost effective way to mod the thick acrylic.

so i figured: T the drain directly into the pump. the T is to account for the 2 (are there more?) possibilities:

1. drain is more than pump can handle, so it diverts into the open end of the T.

2. pump needs more than drain can provide, so it pulls in more water from the open end of the T.

<img src=""/>

so, before i start spending money on plumbing, has anyone tried this? results? thoughts? what am i not seeing (gotta be something)?

remember, this is for a skimmer i already have, with a mazzei injector. just trying to get the most out of it.

i am aware of the "mod" that sets the drain directly to the skimmer, and it is what i referred to when i said "i want a cost effective and viable option to this 'mod' ".

other than cost and hassle, the reason for not modding is that i will eventually be getting an asm g3. so i just want to use what i have for now and save the money/work for the upgrade, the acrylic is thick and i dont want to risk cracking and losing it.

so i came up with this work-around.

the skimmer body is about 20" high and 4" diam. i can either use an eheim 1250, or rio 2100 (runs warmer), and a big mazzei injector.

i tried the equipment forum first, but didnt get any answers. just a few "it wont work" statements, but with no explanation why it wouldnt/couldnt.

i am trying to figure out if the drain is capable of running 600gph and the return pump is matching it, why a pump rated at or below would cause an issue. as the water it does not intake will be released via the out? and if it was pulling in more water, it would just pull from the open end of the T, no?

i have no clue if this would work or not, im just the type of guy that likes to know why. true knowledge comes from understanding, not the simple acknowledgement of a fact.

besides, if i know what is wrong with the design, i may be able to ammend and improve it

thanks so far for the help

nemo G
Your design looks good! The only consideration I would have if I did that set-up is space. It would take that much more room in your sump when you hooked up the T.
You could use a zip router or drill and drill a hole in your skimmer, then use an adapter to plug your take output directly to your skimmer. Check out this web site for the adapter and pics of what they have done to their skimmer. I have the G3 listed on their website and will be doing this modification. Hope this helps!
I think it's definately worth a shot! my concern would be the amount of air comming down the drain might cause the pump to cavitate... but I'd try it and see.
thanks seajuice. i already plan on getting the g3 in the future. but for now, i just want to make this one work as well as it can.

the skimmer body that i have is thinish, 4" diamater, and the plexi is thick, so i dont want to risk breaking it becasue itll force me to spend $300 ahead of schedule.

regarding the amount of space it would take, remember, that for drawing purposes i had it layed out in a straight line. but in practice the plumbing could be manipulated to use less space. heres a quick sketch:

<img src=""/>
I think this is a great idea. I'd suggest this slight mod which incorporates a 45 degree socket elbow and a Wye and should help bias the flow towards the skimmer.
thanks, now all we need is someone to try it for us :D

and if it works, to name it the "nemo g intake"


my temp tank is not drilled, so ill have to wait till i get my main tank up in a month or so.