anyone using an ozone generator?


the cat did it
has anyone found any factual benefits from using one of these?

i have an ozone generator that was used for plants, not necessarily suited for a fish tank. if there's any way i could use it for the tank, i'd probably jump on it.
i have a ozone. factual benefits... thers a good long post about it in the spskeeper section. but the jist is this:

O3 is so reactive it reacts with anything in the water... usually organic matter. so if you run ozone with ur skimmer, u pull out organic matter before it even turns to nitrate/nitrite. It is said to kill parasites int he water oto but i doubt it

After running it. this is wat I got

(1) good water clarity which means more light penetration
(2) better coral polyp extensions
(3) easy frag recovery
(4) faster growth of coral
Re: anyone using an ozone generator?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6953401#post6953401 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by neuro
has anyone found any factual benefits from using one of these?

i have an ozone generator that was used for plants, not necessarily suited for a fish tank.

no such thing as "not suited for a fish tank". An ozone generator is an ozone generator is an ozone generator, with the possible exception of how it gerenates the ozone internally (UV vs Corona), but even that doesn't play a role in aquarium use or not.

Just an FYI :)
yes and no for both, danny.

Ozone can kill you and your tank if used incorrectly, so that wouldn't help :p

But adding ozone helps skimmate and kill some icky buggies.

Without it, you could still have a kick insert tank. Water wont' be as clear though.
Ozone can help with ich to some degree, but it will not wipe it out. Same for uv, but a little more effective on that level if used with a correctly sized feed pump.

O3 can help with keeping down algae, and generally improves water clarity. However, when used without a controller, O3 can wipe out a tank in less than twelve hours.

I suggest reading the "Thumbs Up for Ozone" thread to gain more pro's, con's, and cautions in using ozone.
There are bad reviews on Red Sea stuff including their service and even a retailer in the bay area vow not to deal with them anymore, he is respected.
oops... thanks guys. i will definitely look at using my ozone generator in low doses to see how it can help.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6960378#post6960378 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Psionicdragon
There are bad reviews on Red Sea stuff including their service and even a retailer in the bay area vow not to deal with them anymore, he is respected.

Can you be any quicker than that. I got it already. :smokin: We'll see how it goes....
I am trying to not carry any Red Sea products AT ALL!! The one exception is the Prism "Skimmers" that they sell. People seem to insist that we carry them ..... a waste of money in my opinion, but people want them. Oh well.

The worst retail and customer support ever.

I hope that you have a better experience then most with your O3 unit. We have O3 on our reef system here and I love it! Make sure that you ALWAYS check and callibrate an ORP meter to make sure that it stays within range.

Good luck,

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6962031#post6962031 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MorandiWine
I am trying to not carry any Red Sea products AT ALL!! The one exception is the Prism "Skimmers" that they sell. People seem to insist that we carry them ..... a waste of money in my opinion, but people want them. Oh well.

The worst retail and customer support ever.

I hope that you have a better experience then most with your O3 unit. We have O3 on our reef system here and I love it! Make sure that you ALWAYS check and callibrate an ORP meter to make sure that it stays within range.

Good luck,

What are you using over there?
ahh. well i have the red sea 250. works great with me.

u can try buying a ozone generator on ebay. i forget the name. but its 30 dollars for the generator, but it generates like huge amounts of ozone. so be careful. run it with a milwuakee orp controller