Apex UPS programing


New member
Does anyone know how to ? My eb8 Is plugged into ups and my eb4 to the wall. I want to program it just to run one powerhead. In case of power failure.
Did you try posting the question on the Neptune forum?

I have my apex on a very small Ups. I also have my modem and router on another ups. The only reason I do this is so I get email/text when my power goes out.

From what I've read you probably need a very big UPS to run a power head and depending on the brand of powerhead you are using, you might need a Smart UPS or pure sine I believe. I could be wrong tho.

Maybe you can put this code on your powerhead outlet.

If Power EB8_3 Off 001 Then ON

Change the name of EB8_3 to the name of your EB8 or EB4