Aquaculture Supplies - UK

The Red Shrimp

New member
Aquaculture Supplies, Cornwall, UK.

My name is Ted Cawston and I am 56 years old. I was made redundant at the end of February 1999. There was little chance of me getting a job at my age here in Cornwall so I started Aquaculture Supplies in January 1999. Previous to that I was the General manager of a factory making digital recording heads and have been a marine hobbyist for about 15 years. Aquaculture Supplies is run from a building near my home. All my produce is sold by mail order. I am not set up for visitors.:)

Aquaculture Supplies can be split into four sections;-
[*]Marine foods - Live starter cultures for micro algae (Plytoplankton) and live Rotifers (Zooplankton) as well as other foods for the enrichment of Rotifers and Artemia. Starter cultures for white and Micro worms are also supplied.
[*] Captive Bred Shrimps - Fire Shrimps (L. debelius), Peppermint Shrimps (L. wurdemanni) and now Cleaner Shrimps (L. amboinensis)
[*]Captive Bred Fish - Banggai Cardinal fish (Pteragon kauderni) and the Common Clown Fish (Amphiprion ocellaris) With respect to the Banggai's I have four pairs now and I intend to produce as many Captive Bred fish as I can in the hope that it will reduce the pressure on these lovely fish in the wild - dreaming maybe? but you gotta try
[*]Soft Coral Propagation - This includes Xenia, Mushrooms, Toadstools, Star Polyps etc. This section is still in its infantcy.
I also breed Discus because I just love 'em :D:D:D

Within the building are two separate water systems;-
[*]Shrimps / Fish - This system houses 1,250 litres of water and is filtered using a large trickle filter, Protein skimmer (Aqua-Medic), de-nitrification filter (Aqua-Medic), UV filters and a number of cartridge filters.
[*]Coral Propagation - This system houses 600 litres of water and is filtered using a very small trickle filter, some live rock and a home made Protein skimmer. This system will be expanded.

I get a lot of pleasure talking to people about breeding fish and keeping corals. To me it is a hobby and my living. To see a shoal of baby Banggai's that is a couple of hours old or a lot of young shrimps is truly a wonderful sight. I am lucky to have time on my hands to do this and some good friends like Martyn Hulyer who knows just a little bit about SPS coral propagation and their care :D and Derek Scales who runs ReefsUK ( a non profit making web site for the conservation and Captive Breeding of Corals and Reef animals) Both these guys continue to give me help and advice.
Ted Cawston
Aquaculture Supplies