Are clams good shippers?


Premium Member
Hello all,

Well I have been looking for a clam for my tank, unable to find any I like at my LFS , I was wondering if one kind ships better than another or if they dont ship well at all. Oh yeah, and if anyone knows a good online place to get them, I was thinking maybe Liveaquria.


I have had squammys,derasas and maximas all shipped to me via FedEx Priority and they all did fine.They were all small 1-2 inches.
I agree. If they're healthy to begin with and packed well, chances are they will arrive just fine. Afterall they just pull in their mantle and retire inside their shell for the ride. I've gotten great clams from Chad at Reef Science. Just choose one that's suitable in size for your tank and lights. Be forewarned. If you order a 6" clam from Chad, you'll get a 6" clam or better.
Really large clams don't often ship too well since they have become well adapted to a particular environment and can't adapt as well to change.