Are eagle eyes common?


Premium Member
I picked up a colony of eagle eyes from a fellow reefer last week. Now I picked up another at a lfs Friday.
Seems like they must be a fairly common color pattern.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6723275#post6723275 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by CoralNutz
Very Common IMO....

:( :(

The green and orange is my favorite color combination. They were the first "prized" zoanthid colony I bought back in 1993. I had it at the top of the tank and it was the most colorfull zoanthid I had ever seen and it got me hooked on zoanthids.:inlove:
Unfortunately, I soon found out about zoanthid eating tangs.:mad2:
They are one of my favorites too. I think the reason they are so common is that they are cool. Alsothey grow like weeds so they get around very quickly making them more and more common all the time.
They are common and the sad thing there is a LFS near me that sells them for $15 per polyp. They had a frag with 4 polyps specail, $75.
Dang Vetter, you need to enlighten them a bit....I got a colony of 120 or so polyps for $35. Mine would have been a $1800 dollar colony.....LOL.
They are common, but beautiful none the less.
I've bought huge colonies of these babies years ago for like $15. We're talking about 300-500 polyps; wholesale of course.;)
SEND Me Some

SEND Me Some

Someone send some my way.. We dont get much zoas in wilmington, nc... not many reffers that i know of....They are awesome looking..
The zoo's at my lfs are always closed so I can't tell what they are, I don't even know how they can label them. I wish I had Eagle Eyes I think they're gorgeous. :)