Are most Tridacna clams Aquacultured?


Premium Member
I was wondering if most Tridacna clams being sold in the hobby were being farm/aquacultured today vs someone going out and pulling them off the reef flats. Also what country today is the biggest exporter of these clams.

I don't know if the ones sold at the lfs are aquacultured, but I know many species of clams are aquacultured to be re-introduced into coral reefs.
As I understand it most if not all the gigas are now farm raised. But for the others: maximas, croceas, derasas, squamosas, hippopuses I am not sure what the ratio is.
A lot of the smaller maxima and derasa that I have seen come in lately are farmed, up to about 3 1/2"

Like Jim, I haven't heard of a ratio.

You must remember clams are like SPS when it come to prices. You will pay more for a aquacultured.

Working at a LFS myself I can say that almost all the maxima and crocea under 2.5" is aquacultured. They ship, acclimate, and are hardier than wild caught small clams. Most derasa and squamosa are wild caught when small. Almost all the larger guys are wild caught too....

Derasa clams are becoming a more availible aquacultured clam...
