I cant imagine being in high school and paying
$300 for a skimmer. That must be one heck of a part time job you got there to even be considering such things.
Or, maybe Im just showing my age, in my day you could by a
CAR for $300. Not a great car, but a car you could put in the ditch
and not cry about.
Try being a college student with parents that are down paying for stuff and buying one of these skimmers with the new price. I sell video games on ebay. Sigh
You better love your parents, when I was in school my father told
me if I wanted lunch money to get my a** a job and pay for my own food, otherwise there was cold bologne sandwiches to eat.
If I had asked for a $300 skimmer I would have needed $300 worth of dental work
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6985139#post6985139 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by masson Dang asmskimmer.com is getting greedy.... I got my g2 for 220 on ebay and they want 270 for it now.
You have to also be careful though, ASM initiated a MAP (minimum advertised price) and will not warranty their product if you purchase it from a vendor selling it below that price.
ASM is killing the proverbial goose that laid the golden egg. They skim well, but appear flimsy and they leak. However, people will put up with that if the price is low. If the price goes up, people's tolerance of cheap manufacturing will go way down....I guess we'll see!
I have a spot here in ca that is still offering the great prices! I just picked up a g-4 for 300+tax and he was offering the g-3 for 219+tax!!!
<a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a207/tigerarmy40/40greef332.jpg" border="0" alt="Image hosting by Photobucket"></a>
shoot me a pm if your interested and I can give yo a link!
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