ASM Skimmer Club!

Wow! I only used two layers of Enkamat. I don't have nearly as much bubble density as shown in the link Paul_PSU offered. Does the third layer of Enkamat make that much difference?
so i purchased a ASM G1X Protein Skimmer with a Sedra 3500 from a fellow reefer and i was wondering if someone could help me find this peice missing from it. I am missing the peice that holds the plumbing coming into the skimmer so it will fit sung and be water tight. I think its called a "bushing" , "rubber bulkhead", or a uniseal . And for now its just a bare hole that is no where near the size of the plumbing itself from the pump. Can someone help me locate one please so i can get this puppy up and running?
so i purchased a ASM G1X Protein Skimmer with a Sedra 3500 from a fellow reefer and i was wondering if someone could help me find this peice missing from it. I am missing the peice that holds the plumbing coming into the skimmer so it will fit sung and be water tight. I think its called a "bushing" , "rubber bulkhead", or a uniseal . And for now its just a bare hole that is no where near the size of the plumbing itself from the pump. Can someone help me locate one please so i can get this puppy up and running?
I'm sure this question has been asked before but no luck with the search.

My sedra pump 5000 on my ASM G-3 died today so I need a replacement. It there a better replacement pump for the G-3 or are they all about the same?

My G-3 is stock other than the mesh mod on the rotor. I want a pump that will hook up with-out mods.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14141926#post14141926 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by surfjeepzx
I'm going to swap that pump for the Sedra and see haow it works on the G-3. The Rio pushes more water at lower watts. I'll take it out this week sometime and see what I have to do in order to make the pump fit the elbow.

OK, so it's been a while since I posted this statement. I did swap the pumps for about a day. There were obvious differences in pump output and skimmer input sizes. I made a crafty adapter that was about as good as it gets. Upon starting the pump it was obvious right away the Rio could not move the volume of water required to efficiently fill the G-3 body. Although the specs stated the pump moved more GPh than the Sedra it was not the case.

I ended up putting the Sedra back on but this time with a twist. I picked up an extra needlewheel impeller and adapted it with the gutter guard mesh. Initially I stacked 5 layers of mesh which was equal to the height of the needles before I ground them off. Yet when I installed the impeller it would not produce sufficient flow in the skimmer. So I removed the impeller and removed 1 layer of mesh, that still was too much for the motor to move. I removed one more layer which left 3 and that did the trick.

The skimmer has been running in this configuration for about 4 weks now with no issues. I did have to adjust the drain tube higher as I do not have a gate valve mod. The drain tube was raised about 1.5"s higher than with the needlewheel. The main noticeable difference are the bubbles. They are finer and produce a drier skimmate that is disgustingly better than with the needlewheel.

The other thing I noticed which I have no explanation for is this; with the needlewheel impeller the skimmer would occasionaly collapse the foam head from within the skimmer. In other words, it would intermittantly act as though the skimmer was off. Simply unplugging and replugging the power would solve the problem until the next time. Since the mesh mod was done the skimmer has not done that once.

So needless to say I am going to stay with this mod on the skimmer. I wont be doing the gate valve mod as I see no reason for it and can control the water volume in the skimmer just fine with the stock riser tube. Also I adapted the riser tube with an elbow and short extension of pipe to return the water back to the return portion of the sump.

The next time I remove the pump for cleaning I will take a pic, but if you look at the pics of the rio impeller the sedra looks like that. Same technique with the wire. I did use the sander at work to round the edges of the mesh to the same diameter as the impeller backing plate.

By the way, I have since modded two more skimmers identicle to my old skimmer for a friend with a LFS. They out perform the stock version so much better that it's not even comparable. They're like 2 different skimmers. Quite honestly I think my old skimmer perfromed just as well as the G3 I have now. The only difference being the G3 has way more volume which is what I was after.
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as i read these 17 pages on this skimmer line, i really dont see that much for a ASM mini....there were couple links pages back that did not work any more. i am thinking of adding a skimmer to my 20Long nano that has a 15g sump. im looking into either a ASM mini or a Tunze 9002 nano....i like the desing of these better, cause i can actually see threw the skimmer to see bubble productivity.....

is a ASM mini worth it for a tank of this small of a size, and low bio-load. only mods i really see me doing to this skimmer would be the gate valve and the mesh mod. are there any other mods that i should really consider?????????
The Tunze 9002 has to have a constant water level, maybe look into the Octo line of hang on skimmers. Also look into the Verex line or Magnus line.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14601274#post14601274 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kyle1284
... i was wondering if someone could help me find this peice missing from it. I am missing the peice that holds the plumbing coming into the skimmer so it will fit sung and be water tight. I think its called a "bushing" , "rubber bulkhead", or a uniseal . And for now its just a bare hole that is no where near the size of the plumbing itself from the pump. Can someone help me locate one please so i can get this puppy up and running?
It's called a uniseal, you can find them here Uniseal Slip Fittings

There are plenty of other places you can get them too. Some LFS even carry them.
One more upgrade to my G3

One more upgrade to my G3

I have a 90 gal DT with 30 gal sump. Sump depth is about 15" and skimmer is sitting up on some PVC. Supply is from the tank return.
I am not satisfied it is taking enough gunk out of my tank. I have the mesh mod, recirc, and gate valve mods done. I am going to move the Sedra pump back to being the supply. I am then going to add a mag 12 with 1/2" Kent venturi to serve as a recirculation.

These are all parts and pumps I have around so I can try without any cost.

My plan is to recirc into the top hole, Sedra into original hole, and supply to the mag from the lowest whole. I will join the Sedra input with the Mag input inside the tube and then discharge through a T. I plan on shaving the T outlets at 45's so the bubbles go up as much as out.

I have started making a bubble plate but haven't finished it yet.
Has anyone tried supplementing their G3 with a venturi? Would a 3/4" venturi work better?
I have run the mag pump in a makeup tub and it generates a bunch of bubbles.
I will post a picture or two this weekend when I get it assembled
I did until I drilled it out. I actually have two venturi's and just reach in the sump and switch them out. That way I can clean the other when I get around to it. I don't think you can stop it just maybe reduce times in between cleanings. I noticed a huge difference when I drilled it out though as far how long I had to go before I cleaned it again.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14617550#post14617550 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Konadog
It's called a uniseal, you can find them here Uniseal Slip Fittings

There are plenty of other places you can get them too. Some LFS even carry them.

Definitely get the uniseal brand and not the original replacement part for the ASM. The original ones come out too easily and fit loosely.
I used the same hose. I just kept stepping up the drill bit and taking more out of the opening until I felt the walls start to get too thin. I actually saw them twist from the heat. I didn't alter the outside of it at all.
I'm very close to purchasing an ASM 2 for my 55 gallon with 13-14 gallon sump and fuge. I was orig looking at an ASM 1X but found a site that has the 2 for $5 more.

I do have a few concerns based on some respected members of my local reef forum... A few people have concerns about the effectiveness of the ASM skimmers after a few years. Anyone else had this problem?

Thanks in advance...
Is there anyway to get actual links or posts to the ACTUAL mods instead of having to search through about 300 pages of this post.

Maybe a sticky or something. I would like to do the mesh mod, but have found no solid directions with or without pictures on how to do it.