


Hope you're well.

I've been reading up on the ATS and it hasn't been easy. Not a lot of information out there because of lack of use/understanding. However, I have a macro algae problem in my display tank and I'm hoping it will help me with it.

I began to feed my SPS heavily after reading information you and others have made available. SPS and goni did better. Unfortunately, so did the macro in the tank.

I would like to combine the concept of a refugium (increase pods=food for coral) with the benefits of ATS. Looking at the surge system you designed, it may be possible to put a light and fiberglass screen and turn it into an ATS. The turf would experience the wet/dry cycle that it does with a bucket ATS system.

Have you given any thought to that? Hoping to cut down on the use of skimmer and maintain food levels.

Thanks for your help.

Two questions first:

1. What's the time frame of the increased feeding starting and current increases in macroalgae and

2. What macroalgae are you having a problem with?
Thanks for your reply.

1. Tough to tell. I added a little feather C. to the tank because I liked the natural look. However, before I new it, it went nuts. I began to feed heavily about 3 or 4 months ago. I've been dealing with macro since then.

2. All types- feather, razor, grape, red fluffy thing that grows on the rocks, that beige one that grows like a tuft, beige one that grows tall and has little balls growing on it, valonia, and that calcifying one that is a white stick with green tips.


Hi Art:

I'd remove the Caulerpa from the tank manually, and it won't grow anymore. Its a lousy thing to have in the tank anyway.
Thanks Eric.

I'm trying but it does come back. I just pulled every rock from the tank and scrubbed it very well. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

I'm almost finished with a combonation refugium/ATS. I'm hoping it competes with the macro in the display.
