Bad Crab, OR Good Crab ???


Premium Member
Hey whats up? was takeing my dog out the other night in the middle of the night and when coming back inside I looked at the inside of my tank when only the moon lights where on and I noticed a crab sitting on the top of one of my rocks, So I reached in with a net a snag him with him relizeing it tell he was in a small dish. Don't know if he is a good crab or bad, not that big about nickel size and had one claw thats bigger than the other with black tips, some hair I think on the legs and is Brown all over,

Trying to get a good enough picture so I can post onto this thread in alittle bit for ID from someone thanks for the input if you already know if its good or bad from my discription then great please inform me, if not picture will be up in a few minutes
IMO, one claw bigger than the other and hairy legs means BAD. Wait for more input, but most likely everyone's gonna say chunk it, as usual.
Here's 2 pictures



What Do you think ???